About Me

I will keep my curriculum vitae as up-to-date as possible on this page.  To access many of the papers listed in my C.V., you can follow the links on the page or visit my profile page at Academia.edu or Research Gate.


You can also find out more about my work by visiting my Slideshare profile, my Issuu page, and my LinkedIn profile. Feel free to contact me at creinhard@dom.edu.

You can find our first edited anthology, Making Sense of Cinema: Empirical Studies into Film Spectators and Spectatorship, on Bloomsbury’s site.

Our monograph on the horror subgenre of exorcism cinema, Possessed Women, Haunted States: Cultural Tensions in Exorcism Cinema, on Rowman & Littlefield’s site.

You can find our second edited anthology, Heroes, Heroines, and Everything in Between: Challenging Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes in Children’s Entertainment Media, on Rowman & Littlefield’s site.

You can find my monograph, Fractured Fandoms: Contentious Communication in Fan Communities, on Rowman & Littlefield’s site.

You can find our third edited anthology, Convergent Wrestling: Participatory Culture, Transmedia Storytelling, and Intertextuality in the Squared Circle, on Routledge’s site.

You can find the podcast I do with Christopher Olson, The Pop Culture Lens, here.

Dr. Carrie

One response to “About Me”

  1. Alhan Arsal Avatar
    Alhan Arsal

    Hello, I am an undgergrad Anthropology student in Bangladesh, and will soon start my thesis. I was wondering if you could help me out a bit. You see, I am doing my thesis on wrestling and specifically Kayfabe as it relates to Bangladesh. I had done a short research paper for a course that basically prepares us for the final thesis, and I have the option to expand that paper into a larger final thesis, which is what I’m planning to do. While looking at scholarship on wrestling studies i found my way to the pop culture lens podcast, and I see that you and your podcast partner deal with wrestling quite a bit. I will go through all the related episodes in the coming days. Basically I had interviewed a family of four, consisting of the parents and two sons, who all watch wrestling and wholeheartedly believe in kayfabe. It’s not exactly like in America or other Western countries where people suspend their disbelief for enjoyment. They believe that wrestling isn’t planned, and even try to rationalise some of the more supernatural elements such as characters like the Undertaker. Furthermore, they do not speak English well at all, and this colors their understanding of storylines too, as they often have to fill in the gaps. Essentially they are viewing their own personal storylines. It also affects how they view foreigners or specifically white people, as they WWE is their biggest source of understanding white culture. They will wonder why White people are so fickle that they turn heel or face so much, or why they are so disrespectful to their elders. Essentially, the wrestlers aren’t playing a character to them, they are those people. I was wondering if you could point me to the direction of some relevant material to better understand fan/fandom studies. Theories that i could utilize and such? I’m not very familiar with Media studies/ pop culture studies/ Fandom studies as of yet, and am trying to find articles, books etc that can help me with my thesis. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


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